Historic Christianity says Millennium began in 1st Century

I.   The consensus of global, historic Christianity from earliest times until today maintains that the Millennium, (Latin, "thousand years"), began somewhere in the first century AD, whether that was at:

  •   1 AD:  The Birth of Christ
  • 30 AD:  The Baptism of Christ
  • 30-33 AD:  The Ministry of Christ (casting out demons from various individuals)
  • 33 AD:  The Crucifixion of Christ
  • 33 AD:  The Resurrection of Christ
  • 33 AD:  The Ascension of Christ
  • 33 AD:  Pentecost, the giving/baptism of the Holy Spirit
  • 70 AD:  The Destruction of Jerusalem (the Apocalypse)

This conviction was so deeply established within early, global, historic Christianity that any teaching of a Millennium whose beginning was still future was officailly denounced as heresy, the heresy of "Chiliasm."  And those who propose a Millennium that was yet to begin were formally rejected as heretics, "Chiliasts."  Chiliasm, (known today as "Premillennial Dispensationalism"), is alone in denying that the Millennium began in the 1st Century.  (Hyper-Preterism alone claims a Millennium that ended in the 1st Century).


II.   However, both Premillennial Dispensationalism and the consensus of global, historic Christianity from earliest times agree that:

  • The Thousand Years (Millennium) begins with the Resurrection of the Blessed & Holy Martyrs from the Tribulation, the First Resurrection of Rev 20:4,5,6.
  • The Dead in Christ Rise First as Christ Returns, 1 Thess 4:16.
  • This Rising of the Dead in Christ at Christ's Return had not yet happened as of the writing of  1 Thess 4:16 around 52AD.


III.   Notwithstanding, one of Premillennial Dispensationalism's objections to a 1st Century beginning for the Millennium has largely been adopted by mainstream Christianity herself, holding that:

  • The Resurrection of the Blessed & Holy Martyrs is the same as the Rising of the Dead in Christ. ("The First Resurrection" of Rev 20:4,5,6 = 1 Thess 4:16 "The Dead in Christ shall Rise First").


Conclusion:   The only solution that reconciles these mainstream views within historic and modern Christianity, that keeps the testimony of mainstream Christianity from contradicting herself, is a Millennium whose beginning is within the 1st Century but after the writing of 1 Thess 4:16 around 52AD.  Only the Millennium that began around the time of the Destruction of Jerusalem (the Apocalypse) in 70AD satisfies these requirements. 


It should be investigated whether the Anno Domini dating scheme that became popular after 800 AD was viewed as countdown to the dreaded end of the 1000-year Millennium (Latin, "thousand years").